None Dreamer The standard access subscription to the interactive fanservice section of Drowtales: DayDream. Gives access to three weekly stories and the wallpaper gallery, in addition to one vote per story per week. This is the only uncensored manga on Drowtales! For Adults Only. Slavemaster The premium access subscription to the interactive fanservice section of Drowtales: DayDream. Gives access to three weekly stories, the exclusive "Slavemaster" story and the wallpaper gallery, in addition to three votes per regular story and one vote per "Slavemaster" page per week. You also gain the ability to input options and story paths for other Dreamers and Slavemasters to chose from. You can even include your own roleplay character in Daydream if you are convincing enough! This include dreamer access.
Visual Roleplay
None Spectator The basic access subscription to the visual roleplay section of Drowtales: Relic Hunters. Gives reading access only to the adventures in addition to the Mel's Knighthood archives. This is a great way to discover what visual roleplay is and decide if you would like to become a player. Player Unlock the true relic hunting experience. Build your character, join a squad and venture forth to compete against the others squads in many adventures. Gain honor for your squad and clan in this competitive experience. Success will allow you to start your own squad for others to join.
We are ferals
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